Shikumwathi's Blog

From Kathy's Kitchen

Ample Bosom June 13, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — shikumwathi @ 2:04 pm

Yeah now you want to run at the title of the post today.

I am that girl, the ample bosom type. Growing up I wasn’t always a “Big” girl guess I grew with time, didn’t notice until I realized that Men talk to my twins quite often. I didn’t notice until I couldn’t get a bra that fit me just right.

I used to be disturbed by the size which is quite a number, then about 6 yrs ago I realized that no matter what this part of my beautiful body was never going to reduce so I had to love it no matter what.

I always have Busty Girl problems:
1. I never can see a stain at the back of my top or on my midriff – hahah I know you don’t believe me.




2. I never find a button down top that fits me – Helene Lunalo knows this only too well as she has to get me tops , hey she knows best not to bring a button down.



3. The seat belt or sling bag can become a suicide rope in a moment




4. The dress you just saw on another girl; eg those crazy Empire Waist tops and dressesĀ  or ruffle tops never fit you just right, you end up looking like a moving house or a frumpy messy cake. šŸ™‚




5. Exercising is a nightmare.Ā  Every busty girl knows that push ups or sit ups are a no no always leaves you out of breath


6. Running for the bus is just never a plan; you always come close to slapping yourself or you actually slap yourself.


54660ebb65d742c339a32c5d44bac6a27. Folding hands or attempting to seat at the bar counter is just so uncomfortable.

8. Scarves never work for busty girls – ask one we just use them because we also feel cold.

9. Bra underwire can really eat into your skin.

Yaani, a busty girl like Kathy Mwathi has many many problems I could fill the page with it butĀ  I have chosen to love me, and do me.

So in attempt to love my girls I decided:

1) I am always going to wear the right bra size; they are a bit pricey by the way.
2) I am going to rock dresses and tops that are comfortable for me, not showy and not frumpy
3) That I will work out comfortably and be happy about my body; because even after working out I will still be apple-shaped no point stressing.

4) That I am going to avoid those button down tops; they are a mess.

5) I am going to try as much as is humanly possible to be in time for dates and meetingsĀ  I am not getting on that running bus; no I aint and risk self slapping.

6. I will keep warm, I know scarves are sometimes messy but I am not going to die of pneumonia so that I look politically smart.

7. I am looking forward to the bra gift vouchers.Ā  Thanks Joy Karemesi you have always been on point with the gifts, nothing makes a big girl glad than an appropriate gift.


So all you busty girls go ahead and enjoy your bodies because all the skinny flat chested girls have their problems too.


God bless